Fast and the Furious 7

This past weekend I had a movie experience that makes my soul and feelings live it to the maximum.

I have seen all the 6 movies of Fast and the Furious, having the last tree been my favorites because showed it the heist car family that loves adrenaline. 

I start this movie experience with high hopes and it pays it with all efforts. My favorite thing is how this movie packs all movies timeline in a fun and interesting way. The second best part of the movie was the superheroes fights and car chasing, as I say they are the new street superheroes, it is so fun to watch it. The third part I love it is when Letty explain her feelings of not remembering and after she did it you can see they married.

The tear part that makes me cry it has to be the ending, the memorial they make to Paul Walker was perfect. I think it was incredible they don’t kill him, but make Brian stay in the beach with their family. The last scene race with Dom makes you feel he is going to heaven racing.
Do you like it?


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